Symptoms and treatment of intermittent claudication

Symptoms and treatment of intermittent claudication

Intermittent claudication is not a disease in the broad sense, but rather a symptom of certain diseases. It occurs due to certain pathological conditions in the human body and requires mandatory attention. This disorder is a violation of the blood supply to the vessels, which are located in the lower extremities. As a result of the intermittent claudication, there are pains in the legs at rest or on a walk.

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The first signs of heart disease

Very often, cardiovascular diseases develop slowly and therefore can go unnoticed for a long time. Often, that he has heart problems a person learns suddenly when it is too late to do something to prevent pathology. An example is a heart attack. Heart diseases are often called silent killers, which start asymptomatically or have subtle signs. Only early diagnosis of cardiovascular disorders allows to eliminate them without consequences for the patient. Neglected disease state leads to irreversible consequences that remain forever with a person and do not allow to lead a full healthy life. Meanwhile, heart disease is the most common cause of death on earth. It should be borne in mind that many people who survived after suffering cardiovascular diseases have to exist and adapt to a new lifestyle, realizing that their bodies will never be the same again. Knowing what are the early signs of incipient heart disease, you can consult a doctor in a timely manner and prevent irreversible changes.

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Heart arrhythmia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Heart arrhythmia is any violation of regularity or frequency a normal heart rhythm. The disease can be asymptomatic or felt in the form of increased heart rate, fading or irregular heartbeat. According to statistics, arrhythmia contributes about 15% of the total number of heart diseases and often causes the development of heart failure. Let’s consider the diagnosis and correct treatment of this disease.

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